


Foldr offers an innovative solution for file management, seamlessly integrating cloud and on-site storage through a single interface. It simplifies finding, sharing, and editing documents across multiple platforms and devices, making it ideal for businesses and educational institutions seeking efficient digital organisation. With Foldr, users enjoy instant access, easy collaboration, and enhanced data security, all contributing to a more streamlined and productive digital workspace.

Speak to us about Foldr

Why Choose Foldr?

Foldr empowers your organisation with enhanced accessibility, collaboration and security, driving efficiency and productivity across your digital workflows.

Secure file sharing

Foldr facilitates secure file sharing both within and outside your organisation. It provides controlled access with secure links, enhancing collaboration while maintaining data security.

Mobile access & productivity

With native apps for iOS and Android, Foldr ensures users can access and manage files on-the-go. This feature is particularly beneficial for remote workers and those who use multiple devices.

Integration with existing systems

Foldr integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, such as Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, and other commonly used applications, allowing for smooth file access and editing.

Automated workflows

The platform allows users to automate repetitive tasks, such as file distribution or data collection processes, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual workloads.

Version control & audit trails

Version control and audit trails Foldr supports file versioning and maintains audit trails, which is crucial for tracking changes and maintaining document integrity over time.

Compliance & data security

With robust security features, Foldr ensures compliance with data protection regulations, which is essential for businesses handling sensitive information.

Speak to us about Document Management Software

Whether you'd like to discuss you document management software, or need a hand with office printing solutions.

01934 742 184

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