Toshiba 2515, 3015, 3515, 4515 & 5015AC series

If you have one of these clever MFD’s then you are probably well versed in the most obvious functionality, however you may not be aware of some its lesser known processes that are super useful to know.  There are lots of helpful apps, here is some info and some downright handy hints: -

Cloud Storage Apps

These apps allow direct connection to a user’s cloud storage (allowing you to print from or scan directly on these devices).  Supported apps are Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business and SharePoint. More info on how your MFD works with each variant can be found at

Auto Filling & Zone OCR Scanning

This runs directly on the MFD’s and allows for the scanning of up to three areas per document. These can then be used to automate filing of the document and can include text, barcodes or numbers.  Check out the video for more info.

ID Card Scanning

An app which allows you to quickly and easily include both the front and back of an ID Card, Driving Licence, Passport etc. in a single pdf. This is useful for any businesses which need to keep ID records or use them in any sort of workflow.  

Green Information

This app displays Green information/KPIs to keep your company aware of its environmental printing cost. It encourages the use of things like duplexing, 2-in1 pages and paper reuse rate (hybrid MFP only).

Rules-based printing

This allows you to better control your printing through default settings for automated changes depending on document type. For example, you could stipulate that if someone is printing an email, it should print in mono only or that Word documents should be printed duplex and stapled by default.

GDPR User Codes

This allows for Secure Print release only but does not require a code for day to day copying or scanning

All these apps, and many more are available for the Toshiba 5015AC series which includes models 2515AC, 3015AC, 3515AC, 4515AC, 5015AC.  We hope you’ve found these hints useful.  Please let us know any of your own handy hints.

Posted on June 18th 2020

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